Monday, July 2, 2007

Sorry, Ladies

I was shewn the Bark of one [tree] (whose name I do not know) gravely affirmed to have a peculiar Property of enlarging the Virile Member; I am not fond of such Conceits, nor believe it in the Power of any Vegetables, but must acknowledge, I have seen Sights of this kind among the Negroes very extraordinary; yet, that there may be no Wishes among the Ladies for the Importation of this Bark, I must acquaint them, that they are found to grow less vigorous, as they increase in Bulk.
John Atkins, naval surgeon, as quoted in Defoe's Pyrates
(St Thome, Del Principe and Annabono)

I love the idea of Dr Atkins wandering around coastal Africa, stealing surreptitious glances at the local cocks and assuring himself (and the Ladies back home) that hey, it's okay, I hear those really big ones have a hard time keeping it up anyway. Better small and energetic than big and flabby, right?

Just for the record, my Virile Member is both Bulky and Vigorous, thank you very much. And he called himself a doctor.